German Flag
In 1776, the jaegers were organized into companies of foot soldiers, and known for their sharpshooting skills. Captain Johann Hinrichs lead a unit of the elite Jaeger Corps. The reports of Captain Hinrichs are of special importance as a source of information on North America during the period.
Captain Hinrichs described Manhattan Island: "New York Island is the most beautiful I have ever seen. There is not an unnecessary tree, branch or blade of grass on this island. Productive hills, alternate with arable flat land, meadows, and gardens. Houses on the hillsides along the river are a most lovely sight. They are all painted white. There are porches around the first floor, a balcony, and a lightning rod. They are all built and furnished in good taste."
In personal contact, the relationship between the Hessians and German-Americans often surmounted the barrier of political enmity. Captain Hinrichs reported from Philadelphia: "As far as I can tell, I like it here. My host is a determined rebel from Nuremburg. He contends that I should stay in Philadelphia and in his arguments he misses none of the details when he talks about the despotism of the King."
After the war Captain Johann Hinrichs returned to his native Germany, and rose to the rank of Major General in the German Army. He also published a number or military treatises.
Source: Kipping, Ernst. The Hessian View of America: 1776-1783. Monmouth Beach, N.J.: Philip Freneau Press, 1971.
Wilhelm John Frank Hinrichs was born in Germany in 1844 and lived in Lubeck, Germany before coming to the United States of America in 1863. He was a Civil War veteran and settled in Austin after the war.
The Hinrichs House, built shortly before 1863, was owned by the Hinrichs family from 1905 until 1953, when it was purchased by the Texas Society Daughters of the American Revolution. The house was moved to Symphony Square at 11th Street and Red River in Austin.
Edgar Hinrichs, the son of Wilhelm John Frank Hinrichs, was born in 1885 and died in Eastland, Texas in 1942. He was a writer and newspaperman for several newspapers including the Austin American-Statesman.
My father, John Frank Hinrichs, was Edgar's youngest son. My father was born in Phelan, Texas on August 22, 1913 and died on August 01, 1980 in Houston.
My father was an inventor, entrepreneur, and the founder of several successful businesses, including Brine Service Company, Inc. and Hydro-Services, Inc.
Source: Mrs. John D. Gilpin and Mrs. Fred W. Lackner, Jr., comp.,Genealogical Records: Bibles Lineages Histories (Houston Colony, Society of Mayflower Descendants, Houston, Texas, 1975).